Asking for the community’s help

Publishing a book during a pandemic is hard. While many people I know and love bought the book and even their friends bought the book, I’m trying to reach out to people who may not know me, who may not have heard of a Rainbow Gathering, and who may not travel in the same circles I do.

That’s where you come in. I need your help in many different ways. Hopefully one or more more of these options will resonate with your movements in the world.

If you are part of a book group, recommend Falling From The Moon.

If you use Twitter, tweet about it and tag @KarinZirk.

Take of photo of the book in a cool location like the woods, your pool, or in the middle of a bread baking extravaganza in a flour covered kitchen and post it on Instagram tagging @MythCamper (my Instagram handle), or on Facebook and tag @KarinZirk.

Write a review on LinkedIn the new go-to place for information sharing. This will help your followers and hopefully their followers learn about the book.

You can always direct people to for more information. Or pick the link of your choice from the list below:

Add on good reads buttonIf you haven’t read the book, login to goodreads and mark the book as “Want To Read.”

If you’ve read it, write a review.

If you know of a group that wants a free Zoom workshop or book reading, please connect me. I do participatory workshops on using mythology and writing to explore a wide variety of topics. My most recent workshops have been entitled Mythic Monsters and COVID-19.

The eBook version of the book will be out in early October. Stay tuned for details. Feel free to forward this email to any one you think may be interested. Follow me on social media.