If you have read the book, I am grateful for your support of my novel and my writing. I hope you enjoyed the book.

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I cannot make this book successfully on my own. I need your help! Best of all, helping spread the word about this book can be done while you shelter in place and maintain a social distance.

Today I am asking for another favor or maybe three. Small press publishing is a tough business and I am really hoping to spread the word far and wide about what is special and unique about Falling From The Moon.

Write a review on Amazon. Click here to get started. Login to your Amazon account. Fill out how many stars you think the book is worth and then write some of your own thoughts.

Write a review on the publisher’s website. Click here to get started, then click on Review as shown in the screenshot below. Rate the book, write your review, click Submit and you’re done.

Image of publisher's web page


Finally, if you can take the time to share information about this book on Social Media, that would be awesome! The book website is http://FallingFromTheMoon.com or visit the publisher website. Share your thoughts on this book.

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Categories: On writing and books