Image of triskelion

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

The culture wars are alive and well. We see it on the news, on social media, and in our own communities. Civil discourse has disappeared and been replaced by beliefs so divergent that they all can’t be true.  Under the screaming and yelling, myths are working on us. Beliefs so deeply held that we can’t always see them let alone understand them.

This anonymous mythological questionnaire aims to identify the myths at work in our midst and see what is truly driving the Great Divide in American culture. Only when we gain wisdom of the undercurrents, can we truly begin to heal.

Your participation in this project is greatly needed and your opinions are valued. I promise this is unlike any survey you have every before taken.  Please feel free to forward this information to any of your friends from the far right militias to the left coast dreamers and everyone in between. All perspectives exist in the mythic universe. Please share yours by taking the survey.

I have contracted with QuestionPro, an independent research firm to field your confidential survey responses. Please click on this link to complete the survey:

If you have question before, during, or after taking the survey, please reach out to


Categories: Mythologist